Recommended Windows apps

Default apps

  • Google Chrome – Web browser
  • Firefox – Web browser
  • Google Drive – Cloud Storage, write docs, spreadsheets and presentations
  • Dropbox – Cloud storage
  • Sublime Text – Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
  • Pushbullet – Connects all your devices, send messages between them etc.

Google Chrome Extensions

Firefox Addons

  • LastPass – Password manager
  • AdBlock Plus – Blocks advertising, banners and other unwanted stuff on websites.
  • Greasemonkey – Run Greasemonkey scripts


Security – Antivirus, anti-spy/malware


  • FileZilla Client – FTP Client
  • 7-zip – Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives. Formats 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR are supported fully, other formats can be unpacked.
  • TeamViewer – Remote desktop or for remote support. Install on all computers you need remote access to. Excellent for helping users that are not that good with computers.
  • CutePDF Writer – Adds a printer that print PDF documents.
  • PuTTY – SSH Client
  • PuTTY Connection Manager – Makes PuTTY even better. Requires PuTTY.
  • uTorrent – BitTorrent Client
  • DiskPulse – Disk change monitoring utility allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories and detect file system changes in real-time.
  • Folder size – Helps you figure out where all that hard drive space has gone on your computer.
  • Nmap – Port and network scanner
  • ProcessExplorer – Task manager
  • Hiren’s Boot CD – Bootable CD with all the tools you need to fix any problem with your computer
  • Unlocker – Find out which processes are holding a file or folder stopping you from deleting or moving it.
  • Everything – Search everything